Lesson For Today
Idiom : Skeleton in the closet----->
the dark and shameful past secret that one's usually keep from anyone..
But when I read these idiom it personally remind
me of someone. A skinny anorexia girl that I wish I never know in my life. She
can be consider as a skeleton - an annoying and irritating walking skeleton.
She, herself are full of dark and shameful secret - well, maybe not really a
secret as she always proudly broadcasting her stupidity vainly. Have you ever
look into the mirror how witch-looked and long your face are? And still you
"innocently" upload your gruesome picture all over the net? How
Are you waiting for my compliment, my
" deary" ? If it could make you stop my nausea-caused-by-you, I'd do
whatever you want. Please..please, Miss Skeleton, stop wandering around......
Why don't you just stay inside the closet -
a place you always belong?